Saturday, October 18, 2008

16 weeks pregnant

I am not that big yet friends. This is my first prego picture posted. 14 weeks. The doctor says his educated guess is a girl, so say hello to Coral Kaye Smiley. I am feeling a hundred times better now that I am in my second trimester.
The first trimester was really difficult. I am taking Yoga regularly and still dancing. Baby Coral doesnt seem to mind doing pirouettes and spotted handstands with me. Don't worry I got my doctor's permission. He said that I can be as active as I always have been as long as I don't twist or work to hard. My doctor has a picture of a yogi 8 months pregnant doing a handstand while in the middle splits so I am not worried.
I have thought more about trying all natural childbirth.
Dorian is really excited to be a Dad. He is really nervous about raising a teenage daughter however. He is making up lullabies on the guitar.

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