Tuesday, February 10, 2009

33 week Coral


I don't think this picture turned out as good as her last ones but I thought I would post it anyways. We think she is looking more and more like her mommy but time will tell. The distortion makes it difficult to analyze. We can't wait to meet her.

My ultrasound went good. Coral is a normal size and everything is excellent. Unfortunately she decided to turn around and is breech again at 33 weeks. The doctor was shocked! I could actually feel her turn around yesterday before our drive to San Jose. He said that she must have a lot of room in there at this stage and she may flip again before our next appointment at 37 weeks. The doctor will scedule a c-section at 39 weeks if she doesn't turn or arrive earlier. It is Coral's decision he says. I still have 7 weeks left and anything can happen. Overall, I have a very low risk pregnancy.

I will send another update next month. Wish us luck and thanks for your support!


L&T said...

hey guys,
Its John and Toni and Leo and Teresa Grippo, we met in Villa Celeste campground north of Mazatlan, on your way down. We are in Dominical right now, on our way north after being in Panama. Would love to see you guys again. Our e-mail is gripreed@hotmail.com.

Dorian, Angelina, Coral and Ivy Smiley said...

Hey fellow travelers. Great to hear from you guys. I will send you an email and lets get together.
