Tuesday, March 10, 2009

37 week Coral

Coral is all set to go. She turned around AGAIN. She is now in a normal position. The doctor said she could be ready anytime until my due date which is April 3rd. We are going to give this natural childbirth thing a shot. Wish us luck although we are trying our best to be prepared for whatever happens. She clearly has my fat nose and Dorian's big lips. I am in love with her big Dorian lips. We are curious to see if she will have my blue eyes or Dorian's hazel eyes. I think the first picture captures her actual features the best. The other photos are a bit wider. She is getting nice and chubby in there right now. She is already weighing almost 6 1/2 pounds. The doctor said she is completely average size and he has never seen a baby turn breech again after 37 weeks. We can't wait to meet little Coral.
Dorian is working very hard with a company in CA. He is also working on a sustainable living website that will be up probably by the end of the month among other projects. It is very hot and uncomfortable being this pregnant in Costa Rica. I have been grateful to swim in a pool everyday. I plan on using deep meditation and exercise to help me with my upcoming labor. I figure if I am strong enough to cross Central America for six months in a tiny truck camper anything is possible. haha
pura vida

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Angelina,

Yes, I think you're definitely ready for little Coral to come into the world. I'm so happy for both of you. You are both truly living la buena vida!