Sunday, June 21, 2009

This is a picture of my mother with baby Coral when she was just one day old. Coral is so big now. She weighs 13 pounds and is developing quickly. She slept for 8 hours last night for father's day. I don't expect that to happen regularly. She is almost three months now.
I was able to shed a couple pounds this week. My bamboo dance floor in our new bamboo house is awesome.
Dorian enjoyed his first Father's day today. He has been working hard to take care of his family so we can visit CA in Sept. The waves have been good lately. He was able to hang out with Alex Freyre who visited us this week. Kirk and Gina fly in tomarrow. Hopefully I can post more pictures soon.
Days go buy quickly with our busy bee. We are managing to maintain our pura vida lifestyle. We are enjoying every second.
The Smiley's

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