Sunday, November 1, 2009

1st Halloween

Today was Coral's first Halloween. We decided to dress her up as a bee. Her homemade costume is 95% made from recycled materials. She had a play date with her boyfriend "hawaiian bubba".


Unknown said...

What a cutie! I hope we get to see you in December (but I know you have a lot of people to see, too).
Jenny and Elise

AntoniaBologna said...

That's so cute that I want them both in my lap right now! OMG They are a pair!

I am bummed that we didn't get to see you while you were in Southern Calif. area, but we will see you on your next trip.

My kids managed to dress as a black cat-Teresa, and a pirate-Leo. I'm pretty sure that there is no Halloween in Costa Rica, but did you get to participate in their festivities of Day of the Dead?

Me said...

Gorgeous little bee costume!! :)

Anonymous said...

Great photos guys, continue living the dream!