Monday, February 22, 2010

Coral is now 10 months

Yay! My dad bought me a camera for my 31st birthday. Now I can post pictures again. We are living in our Newport Beach apartment this winter. Dorian is working for a while and Coral and I are enjoying the fresh winter with family and friends. During the week us girls a carless but we have everything we need right here along with many visiters. Please come and visit us and play with Coral at the beach. On the weekends I have been taking dance and yoga classes. We also cook up a storm from homemade pizzas, pastas, soups, and salads for the week to try and keep it all natural.
Pura Vida


Unknown said...

What a doll! I can't believe Coral is alreay 10 months old. Thanks for posting to your blog again.
Jenny and Elise Gardelle

Unknown said...

awesome! hey are you guys in Newport still? Yoko, me and the kids (tanner 4, Sawyer 20months) would love to see you.


Dorian, Angelina, Coral and Ivy Smiley said...

we would love to see you guys jt. call us or stop by 642 3346.