Thursday, July 26, 2007


Our next stop after Rio Nexpa was Ixtapa. We originally were going to stay at Playa Azul but we needed to visit an ATM machine and the one machine available five km. east in the next town of Playa Azul was out of cash. We quickly headed south to Zihuatanejo but the rapid city drove us back up to Ixtapa.

Ixtapa is the Lahaina of Mexico. It is neatly gardened to resemble Hawaii. The signs are in English and there is a Dominoes Pizza. Although the beach is blocked by huge expensive hotels it is beautiful with turquise warm water and white sand beaches.

We were able to find a modest hotel meant for families. A nice mexican butist woman managed it who we enjoyed talking to. Unfortunately I was unable to snap some shots of Ixtapa.

We haven't been staying a many nice hotels. It is very difficult to find ones that allows Ivy inside.

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