Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Rio Nexpa

We are experiencing so much it is hard to keep the blog updated. I hope to keep you still connected through pictures and emails. Although we are still in Mexico we have seen what seams to be several countries.

Rio Nexpa was our next stop after La Ticla. This is a well-known surf destination and Dorian was excited to get in the water. The waves were very rolly that day. They were great for long-boarding.

This is the first destination where we agreed it was now jungly. From then on it was warm, humid at full of vegetation. I love humidity. We found some new friends there that we had previously met at Lat Ticla. There alot of waves to be found in this general area. A few of which are world class. Most go unridden every day.

1 comment:

Kelly+Ted+Ari said...

Did you stay in your camper this night or somewhere else?