Monday, December 29, 2008

3rd trimester

Could I get any bigger? I didn't realize until I saw the pictures. I am still stretching and dancing a bit. Mostly walking on the beach in the mornings. I am starting my third trimester this week. 27 weeks. I am thinking I need to work extra hard this trimester to keep in good pregnant shape. Coral is kicking constantly. I swim in the ocean a lot and she goes right to sleep. My only complaints are that my ribs and back hurt, I am constantly sneezing and it is getting hot. Otherwise I can't complain. It's not so bad when you live in Costa Rica and every woman is pregnant.

We photographed a couple daily visiters. Our frog stares into the screen every night. We thought he was staring at us all the time and wanted to come in until we figured out he hunts the flying bugs that run into it. Our Iguana we named Mama the Iguana. I used to feed her apple cores. I didn't see her for a while and now she has doubled in size.

Dorian washed the car for the first time. It was really muddy before. We are much tanner in person and my belly is bigger than Dorian's. haha He has been surfing once or twice a day. He also can't wait for little Coral to be born. He works from home. We just hooked up skype. So if you have skype email me your user name. Our user name is Dorian.Smiley

We also have a mailing address now.

Angelina Smiley
Apdo #189 - 4023
Jaco - Costa Rica

Thanks for your support
pura vida
Angelina and Dorian

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