Friday, January 9, 2009

28 week Coral

28 weeks ultrasound. Coral is doing great! Everything is normal. She has turned around and is no longer breach. I have gained 25 pounds already. The doctor thinks I will gain 37 total which he says is normal. 12 weeks to go!
We actually took pictures of our video with our camera because we were unable to rip the pictures from the DVD. They are distorted but with a good imagination you can see what she looks like. We still think she has my nose and Dorian's lips. We both see ourselves in her pictures.
Dorian and I are doing great! We were in the 6.1 earthquake in San Jose, Costa Rica yesterday. It was intense. Everything around us was fine but it did give everyone a good shake.
We can't wait for Coral to be born. We have been nesting here getting ready for her arrival.
Thanks for you support
Dorian and Angelina

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