Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dennis, Dylan and Angelique made the blog

Coral is now 2 months and growing. She loves to dance to her mobile. We are trying to establish a sleeping schedule with luck.

We are moving into a spacious bamboo house sometime this month. The house is very baby friendly,very natural and artistic.

Dorian has been working hard this week. We all have been going to the beach together again. Coral likes to fall asleep while walking with Dad. The ocean is very soothing. I was able to jump in the warm water for the first time in months.

I have permission to work out again from the Doc. I started last week and obviously have a long way to go. I have been stretching, walking up a huge hill everyday and swimming. Hopefully I can get myself strong enough before we move into the bamboo house because it has an incredible outdoor dance floor waiting for me. I can't wait! I will start yoga again when I am ready.

We got a visit from our Dutch friends. We initially met them in La Ticla, Mainland Mexico during our tour down here. They stayed with us for one night. It was great to have them over. As you can see it wore Coral out.

Rainy season has started here. It is so great not to be hot anymore. Everything is getting greener. The Iguana's are everywhere. Paradise as usual in Costa Rica. We are working on getting our baby Tica her U.S. passport so we can visit Newport in Sept. Hope to see you all then.

We would love to hear how you are doing. We miss all of you!
pura vida
The Smiley's


Unknown said...

Coral is getting so big. I think she looks like both of you, and I hope you have time to stop by and see us in September.
Jenny and Elise

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new baby. I stumbled across your blog when doing searches for my Truck Camper. I have a lot of questions regarding your drive down to Costa Rica and also about Dorian being employed down there. I love CR and hope to one day move down to the Dominical area. My girlfriend and I would love some additional info before we take the big leap.


Jarrett and Laura