Saturday, July 7, 2007

Punta Perula

Punta Perula

Luckily when we arrived in Punta Perula we found a campground we both liked, although Dorian was unlucky in finding waves there. We were the only campers there, and the hotel/campground offered a pool to cool off in. I met some local kids and passed out surf stickers. They came back with more kids and I made some new friends.

The beach was private and beautiful, although the ocean water had a brownish tint. We walked down the beach where we found our dream house/hut. Dorian said with confidence “I can learn to build you that Ang.” We dreamt together and walked back to camp. Punta Perula is a quiet town, just how we like it.

The next day we decided to check our phones. They did not work previously but we thought we would give it a try. I tried calling my mom and to my surprise the phone started ringing. “Hello, Hello”, I shouted through the phone. After the second Hello I could hear my mom’s voice. I shouted we are doing great and we talked and talked. I was so excited to be able to make a few calls. Our friends’ and family’s voices were good to hear that morning since we had not talked to anyone since entering Mexico.

Before leaving I was able to get a picture of some of the local kids we had met. I also showed them pictures of the U.S. and northern Mexico which they really enjoyed. The local kids were very kind. As we left the campground our new amigos quickly ran up to the gate to open it, and wished us well on our way out. We enjoyed talking with them even though I had trouble understanding them, as usual. We got back onto highway 200 and start heading south. We weren’t sure where we were going to stop next.

1 comment:

Kelly+Ted+Ari said...

What is the name of this place that you stayed?