Monday, October 27, 2008

18 weeks

almost 18 weeks. I have doubled in size in 2 weeks.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

16 weeks pregnant

I am not that big yet friends. This is my first prego picture posted. 14 weeks. The doctor says his educated guess is a girl, so say hello to Coral Kaye Smiley. I am feeling a hundred times better now that I am in my second trimester.
The first trimester was really difficult. I am taking Yoga regularly and still dancing. Baby Coral doesnt seem to mind doing pirouettes and spotted handstands with me. Don't worry I got my doctor's permission. He said that I can be as active as I always have been as long as I don't twist or work to hard. My doctor has a picture of a yogi 8 months pregnant doing a handstand while in the middle splits so I am not worried.
I have thought more about trying all natural childbirth.
Dorian is really excited to be a Dad. He is really nervous about raising a teenage daughter however. He is making up lullabies on the guitar.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Playa Hermosa

Dorian and I are still live in Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica. We moved down the dirt road to a house that was in better shape. We have now been in this house for several months and we love it. Our neighbors are great.

Dorian is finding programming work from the states and we are learning how to grow fruits and vegetables. I am teaching dance to a little girl next door. I have been studying yoga and Dorian has been surfing. The waves are giant in Playa Hermosa. I cannot go swimming in the ocean unless the waves aren't gigantic. I always make sure my lifeguard Dorian goes with me. The ocean water is always really warm. I do enjoy riding my bike to the nearby waterfall.

We have visited the States twice since we left. It is always nice to see the people
we love, but Costa Rica is definitely a better fit for us. The last few months have
been life changing. We are now almost 4 months pregnant. We are having the baby
here in Costa Rica which will give us all residency.

Life isn't always paradise in Costa Rica. I think it is a harder life but a life
worth living. I wash all the clothes by hand in our pila. We eat mostly fruits and
vegetables only. The water and electricity goes out on a daily basis. It takes
tens times longer to get anything done here than in the U.S and we do battle giant
spiders and snakes.

The advantages are we get to see scarlet macaws and toucans everyday. We don't have
many monkeys near us but the howler monkey across the street howls at us every
morning. The weather is great and the exotic gray sand beach in gorgeous. The jungle is full of life and we get to spend our days together.

Pura Vida "Pure Life"
p.s. I will post pictures of the beach and jungle soon. We have actually been carless for six months. We are purchasing a car in the next couple of weeks and we are excited to contiue our adventures.

Cordwood house in Playa Hermosa

I was asked to give an update for those of you who have not heard from the Smileys
since our last post on blogspot.

Dorian and I settled in Playa Hermosa, Costa Rica after our journey through Central
America. Since then we rented a cordwood house for six months. A cordwood house is
made of hay and clay with a wood frame. It was so beautiful but unfortunately it
was already falling apart. We loved this little hobbit house. It was just our
style and taught us a lot about what we want to build in our future.

We spent this time getting to know the neighborhood while Dorian picked up some
programming work in town. It was so nice to be in one place for a while. Being on
the road for six months will make any woman mad, although the journey taught me to
be happy without my American comforts.

Monday, October 6, 2008