Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Grippo Family Visit

Hi friends,
I thought you might like a post that is not about the baby. haha As you can see dry season is taking effect here in Costa Rica this season. It is very hot and I am very pregnant. I carved a heart for Dorian on Valentine's day. This way when he parks his bike he will always remember that I love him.
Our friends The Grippo's camped out this week. We met them on the road in Celestino Mainland, Mexico while driving down. They camp in Mexico often for months. Our neighbor Tanesha became instant friends with them. These cool kids threw me a surprise 30th birthday pool party. It was really sweet. The Grippo's also drove down in a truck camper from California. My friend, Toni home schools her children on the road. They are very smart children and very environmentally aware. They inspire Dorian and I on how we would like to raise Coral. It is great to spend time with a family that spends so much time with eachother. It is our pleasure to be friends with the Grippo's.
p.s. Don't you love to see little girls hugging!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

33 week Coral


I don't think this picture turned out as good as her last ones but I thought I would post it anyways. We think she is looking more and more like her mommy but time will tell. The distortion makes it difficult to analyze. We can't wait to meet her.

My ultrasound went good. Coral is a normal size and everything is excellent. Unfortunately she decided to turn around and is breech again at 33 weeks. The doctor was shocked! I could actually feel her turn around yesterday before our drive to San Jose. He said that she must have a lot of room in there at this stage and she may flip again before our next appointment at 37 weeks. The doctor will scedule a c-section at 39 weeks if she doesn't turn or arrive earlier. It is Coral's decision he says. I still have 7 weeks left and anything can happen. Overall, I have a very low risk pregnancy.

I will send another update next month. Wish us luck and thanks for your support!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

32 weeks

Hi friends,
Yes that's me! Can you believe I still have two months to go. No, I am not having twins! We are now 32 weeks which means we have 8 weeks left. My little hips are having trouble carrying the extra 30 pounds. I am forced to do all my exercising in a pool now. I am doing physical therapy on my hips and legs.
We are composting all our organic trash and growing tons of bell peppers and papaya trees as you can see. Dorian works hard in the garden every morning. Check out the 9 inch stick bug we found. He was really tranquil and enjoyed living on our house for about 3 days. There was another spider monkey spotted in our park last week also.
I will be posting another ultrasound picture next week of Coral if you would like to see. I know not everyone enjoys ultrasound pictures. haha We are hoping to post some pictures of Playa Hermosa next week too.
Dorian and I are still working towards a sustainable way of life. We love Costa Rica. Enjoying our life day to day has incouraged us to not want more and to be happier with less. We are so fortunate to have each other and a baby on the way.
Pura Vida
Angelina and Dorian