Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer in Newport Beach

Coral's hair is getting longer. She is now 15 months. Time to tie it up and get it out of her eyes. I think she looks soo cute in her pigtails and pebbles.


Unknown said...

Hey Dorian,

You may remember me from the days down on the peninsula in Newport back in the early 90's. I lived at the "Cave" on 30th street.

I ran into JT Nickelson today down at Wedge and we were talking about Costa Rica. My boss is down in Tamarindo right now checking things out and we may be relocating down there soon.

Wanted to talk to you about your experience down there and how the transition will go down.

We do consulting and just need internet to work and are looking to get outa the states and live a better life.

Your input will GREATLY appreciated...



Vidaasana Brasil/Argentina said...

Angelina, what a great life, what beautiful family. So happy that you guys, are around...