Thursday, September 6, 2007

Barra de la Cruz

This is Barra. The well known surf spot in Mainland Mexico. It's about a twenty minute walk to the beach from the camp. It starts to get really jungly from here on. The surf is insane and there are tons of guys in the water. The beach is beautiful with huge rock formations. The current is strong for swimming but I still went in about every ten minutes because of the heat. The sand was hot then and Ivy and I took refuge under a falling down palapa while Dorian surfed.
There is a gate collecting a small fee to enter the beach road. We stayed at the only camp on the inside of the gate. The locals were great. I really liked the girl who ran the restaurant but she spoke as little English as I do Spanish. Our view was amazing. We camped with cows, chickens and horses here. Ivy really enjoyed chasing them while Dorian and I gazed at the lush rolling hills.
There were many gringo surfers here when we camped. It was crowded there and loud at night so we only camped for three days. We probably would have stayed longer if it wasn't so crowded. This is a beautiful place that Dorian and I may consider visiting again.

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