Saturday, September 8, 2007


That concludes our trip through Mainland Mexico.

We crossed through the Arizona/Nogales border crossing and drove our camper along the pacific coast. We visited some of the most amazing beaches. Dorian surfed everywhere. His favorite wave is Puerto Escondido. We met amazing people from all over the world and saw incredible sunsets. It was much dryer than we imagined although the beaches were more beautiful than we expected.

Once we headed inland towards the Yucatan Peninsula everything changed. The landscape quickly became lush green jungle. We actually went a different way than we planned but thankful we did. The drive was amazing.

The landscape quickly changed again as we climbed the steep mountains of Mexico. The lush jungle became brisk pine tree forests. We had to break out our jeans and sweatshirts. This was a huge surprise to us but thankfully we were prepared.

The Maya world is huge. There are over twenty five languages and ruins spread throughout Central America. We are still stunned by our experience. The Mayan culture is amazing and we admire them.

The Caribbean Coast was undoubtedly gorgeous. The white sand beaches and turquoise blue water there is just like a Corona commercial. We wish the hotels didn't block most of the beaches. The ocean is as flat as a lake. This is not a surfer's paradise.

We love Mexico. We now think this developed country is on it's way to looking like the U.S. We felt completely safe traveling through. We learned that in the high season Mexico is loaded with French and Canadian tourists. It's just a matter of time until Americans catch on.

On this trip we learned that many people in this world consume more than their share. We encourage our friends to think about how much electricity they use in one day. Many Mexicans do not even have electricity and they all seam to be living happily.

Also think about how much trash you are making or how much stuff you have. The resources in this world are limited and one day there won't be anything left to consume. We encourage everyone to think about what they would do.

We can't wait to post our Belize entries. We miss all of you and your support means alot to us.


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