Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Corozal, Belize

Dorian and I thought we were well prepared when showing up at the border early. Unfortunately after turning in our car registration the truck decided not to start. Dorian worked on it for an hour with no luck. I met a mexican girl my age working in a Chinese restaurant and told her our problem. I asked her if she could help me find a mechanico in my broken spanish. She introduced us to her boyfriend who then walked us all over this border town to three different shops. It was getting later and our luck had not changed.

We finally found a mechanic to help us. The problem was a loose wire under the truck that Dorian could have fixed himself in minutes. They charged us a nice expensive gringo price and we made through the border eventually. The couple who helped us was so nice. We gave him a pair of board shorts to say thanks for parading us all over in the heat. Without them I don't think we would have fixed our problem that day.

The culture in Belize was shocking after being in Mexico for 31/2 months. The border crossing is simple and orderly. This is the most honest border we have crossed. We were able to take care of everything without a guide thanks to our Canadian friends. The dog inspection was expensive and they did make us wait around for a short while to inspect the truck but that was easy.

The locals here are so nice and friendly. Most of the people are Black but there are many other different cultures. The indigenous Indians, Spanish, Chinese, and even Amish people and the main language here is English. The land is green and swampy. There are a ton of mosquitos just like in Mexico and the country has a very low population.

There aren't many street signs in Belize so picking the road to follow can be difficult. We took the wrong road and ended up in a great town called Corozal. This town has a positive spirit and the architecture is really cool. Corozal is a beach town although we didn't swim in the foggy green water. We would have loved to travel to the islands and snorkel but having our dog Ivy made that difficult.

There aren't any waves in Belize but they do have the second largest barrier reef in the world. The currency is two to our one which is expensive for Central America

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