Saturday, September 8, 2007


Chetumal was our last night in Mexico. We found a hotel here that had wireless internet. We needed to research the Mexican/Belizian border crossing so we decided to leave Ivy in the camper over night by herself for the only time on this whole trip.
The beach here does not exist although the ocean does as you can see in the picture above. The town is built up with hotels and restaurants and the architecture actually reminded me of Newport Beach. This is not a bad place to get organized before crossing into Central America.
The next day on our way to the border a cop stopped us for speeding. He initially said that we had to go to the court the following day and pay a fine. Then he quickly said that he would pay it for us for $100. We talked him down to only $20 and a pen. He then tried to take my warn out rainbow thongs right off of my feet. I of course yelled at him. He was actually laughing and quickly backed off.
This was our first and only bribe throughout Mexico.

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