Thursday, September 6, 2007

Salina Cruz and Cinatepa

We stayed the night in Salina Cruz but didn't get a chance to enjoy it there much. We were hit by a huge storm that was flooding the port town so Dorian and I decided to head inland through huge mountains covered in lush jungle.
We almost pulled over and camped on the side of the road because it was so beautiful but we kept driving and found a nice little hotel. After giving the owner our fifteen dollars for the night we were swarmed by winged insects. They completely covered the camper. They made it impossible to even open the camper door. We frantically left without even getting our money back. These bugs have really delicate wings and we still have pieces of wings throughout the camper and truck.
After we raced the sun to a town called Cinatepa where we stayed in one of the dirtiest hotels during our trip. This was a difficult day of traveling but the views made it all worth it.

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