Thursday, September 6, 2007

Zipolite Beach Mainland Mexico

Zipolite Beach is awesome. This beach is graced by well built palapas and meditation lookouts. The waves here are great and the water is clean and clear. The current is strong so I made sure that lifeguard Dorian was present when I went for a swim.
We stayed at a small camp and met our new friend Jeff who manages the property for a local mexican family. He is a very spiritual guy who has been enlightened by getting rid of everything. He only owns a few things that he can fit into a backpack. Dorian and I thought he was really cool. We hope to cross his path again one day.
We also met two canadian families who drove down from Canada. I was able to trade with them macrame classes for some books on Central America. They also gave us some information on border crossings that we would be crossing. They were both really cool families.
The beach here is very tranquil. Dorian and I loved sitting in the hamacks for hours a day.

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